20 May 2009

Urban Experiment

my husband has an idea for every day of the year. most of these revolve around how to run an awesome business -- whether its for rolling your own cigarettes or serving subpoenas or managing a non-profit clinic providing behavioral health services. as glamourous as all those options are, we have decided to start a bike shop. i say "we" even though i know almost nothing about bicycles -- having learned to ride in law school at age 22 and getting my first real bike for my 26th birthday.
(i like this one because it reminds me of an artsy bicycle ad -- when really i'm just too fast for the camera in my birthday dress. whoooosh.)

so it's really aaron who is opening the bike shop as he as all the knowledge, skills, and ideas ... but i imagine a husband with a small business will entail a lot of saturdays spent tooling around the bike shop bringing aaron cookies, putting things neatly on shelves, and learning how to grease bolts or whatever. not to mention fun pre-opening day activities scraping 5 years of dust off the window sills, applying a new coat of paint, poring over subleases and insurance agreements, trolling the internet for deals on things we need, etc.

though i know it will be a lot of work, i am super-excited. my husband has dreams and ideas and he's doing something about it. it feels like a long time since i fell in that category. plus, we have fun doing lots of other more mundane things together. like watching history channel specials on hitler's body guard. playing with fires. sticking magnets to things. we might as well have our shoulder-to-shoulder time playing in grease and arguing over the merits of disc brakes versus rim brakes. (FYI: disc brakes suck and my husband would never, ever argue with that.)

so now for something completely different: part-time bike shop girl at sultana cycles!