19 September 2011

Banging the Doldrums

i have been feeling a little down in the dumps lately and think it would be good for me to remind myself, and also the entire world wide web, of things that make me happy.

panzer clapping. panzer has loved clapping for quite a while, and could be easily calmed with an off-key rendition of if-you're-happy-and-you-know-it or B-I-N-G-O. but now, he has mastered the skill himself, and i can't help but smile when i catch him cheering himself on. i also just taught him to do touchdown arms, just in time for football season! let's be honest though, it's hard not to smile when you're looking at P for any reason.

antiques road show. i don't know what i like best about people dragging old ugly junk out of their basements for other people to oogle at. i am impressed with the appraisers and the length and depth of their obscure knowledge of people and places. i like hearing the family history of the junk, even when said know-it-all appraisers blow giant holes in those prized stories. i am usually shocked and amazed at the value that "collectors" place on ugly old ship paintings but am intrigued by the detail and craftmanship of things that are sometimes REALLY old. you don't see that dedication very much anymore. so yeah, antiques road show is pretty much awesome. i don't miss it on mondays.

pictures of queenie. i can admit that i agreed with the majority that naming your little white girl "queenie" was asking for trouble, but i definitely did not appreciate just what a perfect little monster (and i mean that in the absolute best way possible) she would turn out to be. and i only see her twice a year and hear occasional stories. i guess this also includes pictures of other strong-willed little girls, like my sister kimberlee. that is life being lived, somehow captured on a piece of paper. i don't know if i still have that, but am glad someone does.

italian food and milk. i know i promised that i would not fill my blog with mundane lists of food items i devoured in any given day, but some things just make you happy. when i was super-pregnant with P, i read that eggplant parmigian can put you into labor -- something about italian spices triggering contractions. that was a nice excuse to eat a lot of eggplant parmigian, which i wanted to do any way. but good garlic-y spicy italian food is just not the same without a glass of cold milk. you feel like you gained 10 pounds in a meal, between the starch and dairy, but MMMMMMMMMMMMM. and in close second place: spice cupcakes from a box covered with cream cheese frosting from a can. melted cheese, preferably on veggie burritos or chili + fries. macdonald's chicken mcnuggets. and anything with sprinkles.

i am a beauty pageant runner-up. this fact in itself doesn't conjure as many happy memories as the fact that aaron randomly reminds me of it on a regular basis. i'm not sure where it comes from, as i suspect aaron is less impressed with this accomplishment than he lets on, but it makes me laugh. as does the subsequent mental image of my general fluffiness. also popular: "you were voted most likely to become a TV judge." thanks baby, i love you too.

peace & order. the kind you find in the wide open spaces and calm sterile environment of the mall. or, if you live in cottonwood, safeway at 6AM on sunday. i am a good american consumer who appreciates shiny containers in neat little rows and muzak versions of my favorite rock songs pouring out of the ceiling, and takes pride in acquiring possessions, even if it's just another carton of milk to replace the one that had to be thrown out when it separated in 4 places.

yes, i am feeling a little bit better about life now. all it takes is a cold glass of milk and proper recognition of the finer things.